Kilnair, Tack, 1669
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This tack (lease) is from the Kirkcudbright Sheriff Court Deeds 1623-1675. I have found Kilnair on Roy's 1750 Military Survey of Scotland - complete with 'scrtach marks' indicating the 'arrable' land which grew oats (corn) and bere (beir). It is also shown on Ainslie's 1797 mpa of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. It can still be found on modern OS Maps in Grid Square NX 66 86. Plan [ see 'Witches drowned in sea of sitka spruce' below) is to visit and record what remains. Of particular interest is the mention of making 'twa staine cheis for ewery twelf ewes' i.e. sheep's milk cheese.
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