Ironstone and Granite -book project
and Granite- Outline of proposed book by Alistair Livingston 28
October 2014
working title reflects the theme of the book which is an exploration
of the divergent histories and economies of the western Lowlands
north and south of the Southern Uplands Fault. In the nineteenth
century, the presence of ironstone plus coal led to the development
of the iron industry in Lanarkshire and Ayrshire. In Galloway and
Dumfriesshire there was no ironstone and only a few areas with coal.
Here the presence of granite and the Southern Uplands shaped the
development of what is now the rural South of Scotland.
the beginning of the nineteenth century, agriculture shaped the
economy and society of Scotland’s western
lowlands - Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, Galloway and Dumfriesshire. Then
came two industrial revolutions. The first involved the rapid growth
then decline of the cotton industry. The second saw the rapid growth
and slower decline of the iron industry. The resulting division of
the region between an industrialised and urbanised north and a rural
and agricultural south has persisted to the present.
the tragedy of the Highland Clearances has never been forgotten, it
was the less dramatic Lowland Clearances which had the deeper impact.
Economic migrants from southern Scotland first helped shape and drive
the industrial revolution in north-west England before helping the
revolution take root in Scotland. However, despite bold plans for
canals and iron rail-roads in Galloway and Dumfriesshire, the lack of
ironstone and coal saw the southern districts population decline
after 1851 while that of the northern districts continued to grow.
price of economic success was paid by the new working class as they
lived and laboured under appalling conditions in the iron companies’
towns and miners’ villages. These new
towns and villages bore little resemblance to the planned towns and
villages of the Enlightened improvers. By the 1880s, just as steel
was beginning to replace iron for shipbuilding and construction,
supplies of Scottish ironstone began to run out. The shortfall was
made up by imports of iron ore, but from then on the inland location
of the iron and steel industry became a disadvantage.
major nineteenth century changes in the rural south saw sheep farming
extend across the uplands and dairy farming, pioneered by Robert
Burns in Nithsdale, spread from Ayrshire across the more fertile
lowland farms. In the twentieth century it was hoped that the
Galloway hydro-electric project in the 1930s and forestry in the
1960s would stimulate rural employment, but they did not.
forward to the twenty-first century, the different histories of both
parts of this region have created difficult challenges to overcome.
In the north, the passing of the age of industry has left in its wake
areas of acute deprivation. In the south, the absence of industry has
created different problems as young people move away to be replaced
by retired people attracted by a quiet, as in all but lifeless,
countryside. Yet if the strength of the Yes vote in Scotland’s
former industrial heartlands implies a recognition of the need for
change, the strength of the No vote in the south and other rural
areas suggests a poverty or failure of the imagination, rooted in the
conservatism of rural Scotland.
value of this comparative study is that can provide a fuller and
better understanding of the present by tracing the historical paths
through which the political and cultural differences of that present
emerged. In particular, how two very similar regions of Scotland were
set on different trajectories by the industrial revolution. Although
the industrial revolution are now the subject of industrial
archaeology, it forged a modern and dynamic Scotland. The contrast
with the rural south, a region still shaped by the aspirations of
eighteenth century improvers is stark.
industrial Scotland, generations of struggle in a hostile and
unforgiving environment created a passionate desire for social and
economic justice It was this passion rather than nationalism which
inspired and informed the grassroots Yes campaign. Those areas of
Scotland, like the rural south, which had not undergone the ‘trial
by fire’ of industrialisation lack this
historical consciousness and so chose to vote No.
Chapter One- Introduction
met a traveller from an antique land
said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
in the desert. Near them on the sand,
sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
that its sculptor well those passions read
yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
on the pedestal these words appear:
name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
beside remains: round the decay
that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
lone and level sands stretch far away.
P. Shelley 1818]
the cold light of dawn as the blue and white sea of saltires ebbed
away, the political geography of modern Scotland was revealed on 19
September 2014. Charting the spread of Yes and No votes, the
influence of history was also exposed. Not the passionate and
romantic history of nationalism, of Bravehearts and Jacobites, but
rather a more recent history shaped by the dismal science of
political economy. While both nationalist heartlands of the rural
north-east and the unionist heartlands of the rural south were united
in their cries of ‘No’,
the spectre which haunted the Yes campaign was the Victorian age of
Industry and Empire. The sun may have set on the industries and the
empire which supported them, but they have left Scotland with a
pernicious legacy. The wealth which flowed out from the jute mills of
Dundee, the shipyards of the Clyde, the great engineering works, the
coal mines and iron furnaces of Ayrshire and Lanarkshire has gone,
leaving enduring poverty in its wake.
years after Shelley wrote ‘Ozymandias’,
Walter Montgomerie Neilson had a monument erected to celebrate a
revolutionary discovery made by his father James Beaumont Neilson in
1828. James Neilson’s discovery was that
heating the air blown into iron smelting furnaces dramatically
improved their efficiency. Before this discovery, Scotland produced
36 000 tons of pig iron per year. By the time Neilson’s
‘Hot Blast’
monument was erected, this had risen to over 1 million tons per year.
However, while there was no shortage of Scottish coal to feed the
iron furnaces in 1888, Scottish iron ore was a more limited
resource. From 1854 to 1881, annual production was two million tons
but by 1890 it fallen to 1 million tons and by 1913 Scotland
produced only 592 000 tons of iron ore. So even as Walter Neilson’s
monument to his father was being built, the once fierce fires of the
mighty iron works were already being damped down, although it would
be another hundred years before the closure of the Ravenscraig steel
and iron works in 1992 marked the final end of the revolution James
Neilson had begun.
fitting spot for the Neilson monument might have been close to
Coatbridge parish church in North Lanarkshire. In 1869 a visitor
described the scene.
the steeple of the parish church, which stands on a considerable
eminence, the flames of no fewer than fifty blast furnaces may be
seen. In the daytime these flames are pale and unimpressive; but when
night comes on, they appear to burn more fiercely, and gradually
there is developed in the sky a lurid glow similar to that which
hangs over a city when a great conflagration is in progress…There
is something grand in even a distant view of the furnaces but the
effect is much enhanced when they are approached to within a hundred
yards or so. The flames then have a positively fascinating effect. No
production of the pyrotechnist can match their wild gyrations. Their
form is ever changing, and the variety of their movements is endless.
they shoot far upward, and breaking short off, expire among the
smoke; again spreading outward, they curl over the lips of the
furnace, and dart through the doorways, as if determined to
annihilate the bounds within which they are confined; then they sink
low into the crater, and come forth with renewed strength in the
shape of great tongues of fire, which sway backward and forward, as
if seeking with a fierce eagerness something to devour.
Neilson’s monument was built 90 miles
away on a hill above the village of Ringford in Galloway. To the east
and south green fields stretch across the landscape while to the
north and west the brown and grey mass of the Galloway Highlands rise
up towards Merrick, the highest peak in the Southern Uplands. Like
the artists known as the ‘Glasgow Boys’
who followed him, the tranquil rural landscape of Galloway offered
Glasgow born James Neilson a very different environment from the
sprawling city he knew and the clangour of the industries he helped
to create. Quite why Neilson chose Queenshill estate in Galloway to
retire to in 1848 is uncertain, but the decision was probably
influenced by the belief that he was a descendent of John Neilson of
Corsock in Galloway who had been executed as a Covenanter rebel in
faint trace of an older past is a reminder that the geological
boundary marked by the Southern Uplands Fault, which divided the coal
and ironstone possessing districts of Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and upper
Nithsdale from Galloway and the rest of Dumfriesshire, was for
centuries invisible. The religious culture of seventeenth century
Covenanters and the rational culture of eighteenth century
Improvers were shared across this region. While tracing James
Neilson’s legacy as the ‘father’
of modern Scotland through the revolutionising impact of the iron
industry’s explosive growth, this book
will also show that what was to become the rural south was no less
developed than what was to become the industrial north at the
beginning of the nineteenth century.
beyond Scotland, the influence of economic migrants from Galloway and
Dumfriesshire on the industrial revolution in north-west England
will also be revealed. Before the age of iron acted as a magnet to
draw the economically dispossessed from Ireland, the Highlands and
the rural south to west central Scotland, the cotton industry drew an
earlier generation to Liverpool and Manchester. In Liverpool, William
Ewart from Troqueer (Dumfries) and John Gladstone from Biggar became
leading merchants and their sons became politicians. Two of William
Ewart’s sons became Members of Parliament
and his godson, John Gladstone’s son
William Ewart Gladstone, became a prime minister. In Manchester,
John Kennedy, James McConnell, Adam and George Murray, all from
Galloway, became leading cotton manufacturers.
directly and through marriages these exiled Scots also influenced the
economic and political development of Scotland and England. James
McConnell’s married Margaret
Houldsworth. Her brother Henry built the first steam powered cotton
mill in Scotland in Glasgow in 1803 and then diversified into the
iron industry at Coltness in Lanarkshire in 1836 and Dalmellington in
Ayrshire in 1846. John Kennedy and William Ewart’s
brother Peter, who had been Boulton and Watt’s
agent in Manchester, promoted the Liverpool and Manchester railway.
John Kennedy was one of the three judges at the Rainhill Locomotive
trial in 1829 which was won by George and Robert Stephenson’s
Peter Ewrat’s nephew Joseph became a
leading member of the ‘Liverpool Party’
which drove the development of railway forward by investing in
(amongst others) the Caledonian railway which linked west central
Scotland with north west England. James McConnell’s
son Henry became a leading member of the Anti-Corn Law League while
John Kennedy’s daughter Rachel married
leading Victorian ‘reformer’
Edwin Chadwick.
Engels wrote ‘The Condition of the
Working lass in England’ in 1844 after
spending two years in Manchester. The extreme and widening gulf
between the workers in Manchester and the factory owners led Engels
to believe that a revolution even more profound than the French
Revolution was imminent in England. The condition of the working
class in Scotland’s new iron economy was
harsher yet. By 1842 when Engels arrived in Manchester, the cotton
industry had been growing and expanding for over 60 years. By 1842 in
Scotland, the impact of Neilson’s
hot-blast was still confined to north Lanarkshire and was still to be
felt in Ayrshire.
of the new iron works were constructed on green field sites and the
towns which grew up around them- Coatbridge, Airdrie, Wishaw- were
company towns. The existing small scale coal mines were unable to
meet the huge demand for fuel of the iron furnaces, which also had to
be supplied with ironstone and limestone. These new mines and
quarries were scattered over the countryside and the iron companies
had to build shelters for the miners. These ‘raws’
(rows) were built as quickly and as cheaply as possible. As well as
shelter for their workers, the iron companies also had to supply food
and basic necessities which they did through company owned stores-
which the workers were compelled to use. In what had been rural
districts, there was no police force to maintain order, so the iron
masters had to create new police districts and meet the costs of
doing so.
altogether, the iron companies control over the lives of the workers
and their families amounted to a form of ‘industrial
feudalism’. When ever the workers went on
strike, they were immediately evicted from their company owned homes,
denied credit at the company owned stores and had their meetings
disrupted by company paid for policemen. In addition, the rising tide
of Irish emigration provided the iron companies with an alternative
source of labour, sowing the seeds of bitter religious conflict
between the workers.
drove the explosive growth of the Scottish iron industry was the
reduction in costs brought about by Neilson’s
hot-blast. Before 1830, south Wales was the leading producer of pig
iron in the UK. Welsh iron was of good quality but sold at around £6
per ton. By allowing raw coal rather than coke to be used and
reducing the quantity of coal required from 8 to 3 tons per ton of
iron, the cost of Scottish pig iron fell to £3/ton. At the same
time, the total control exercised by the Scottish iron masters over
their workers allowed them to ’manage’
the cost of labour. For about 20 years, until the even more efficient
Cleveland/ north east England iron industry was developed, the cost
advantage of Scottish pig iron generated super profits for the iron
iron (later steel) shipbuilding and other internal markets for
Scottish pig iron were not yet developed, most of the Scottish iron
was exported to other parts of the UK and abroad, for example to the
USA . However, the focus on producing cheap pig iron was to become a
structural weakness as demand for wrought iron and then steel
increased. These problems were exacerbated by the exhaustion of
Scottish sources of ironstone. Beyond the production of iron, the
reliance of Scotland’s shipbuilding,
locomotive building, ‘heavy engineering’
and coal mining industries on export markets through the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries was another structural weakness.
southernmost outpost of the iron industry was at Dalmellington in
Ayrshire. Here the Damellington Iron Works was in operation from 1848
to 1921 as an offshoot of the Coltness Iron Company. Deep coalmining
continued until the 1970s and then opencast mining began in the
1990s. Dalmellington is on the edge of the Southern Uplands Fault. In
the 1960s and 70s school and family trips to Ayr provided a dramatic
contrast between rural south and industrial north. Within sight of
Neilson’s monument, the A 713 from Castle
Douglas follows the Galloway Dee through dairy farmland to its
junction with the river Ken which flows through an ever narrowing
valley to Dalry. The road then rises up past a sequence of dams and
hydro-electric power stations built in the 1930s towards the tiny
village of Carsphairn in the high moors beneath the Rhinns of Kells.
After crossing the watershed the road then drops down through a very
narrow glen towards Dalmellington. Into the mid-seventies, steam
engines were still at work amongst the mines and the road skirted a
huge bing (a waste tip, now gone) opposite the former iron works at
Waterside. The road then follows a railway line down the Doon valley
to Ayr. In the eighteenth century a network of waggonways carried
coal to the harbour where it was exported to Ireland. This export of
coal continued into the 1970s supplying power stations in Northern
Ireland. Pollution from these power stations then drifted back across
the North Channel to fall as acid rain on the Galloway hills.
population of Galloway and Dumfriesshire peaked in 1851 and then
began a gradual decline. The most likely reason for the decline after
1851 was the impact of the railways which reached Dumfries in 1850
and Stranraer in the west in 1861. Before the railways, the region
supported many small scale industries-local breweries, local
brickworks, grain mills and the like. These local industries were
unable to compete with large scale producers distributing their
commodities through the rail network. The railway connection also saw
the decline in coastal shipping which had linked the region’s
agriculture with Whitehaven and Liverpool. However, the speeding up
of transport offered by the new railways encouraged a shift in the
agricultural economy away from cereal and livestock production to
dairy farming. It became possible to send fresh milk from the region
north into the growing markets of central Scotland.
it is interesting to explore the diverging histories of the western
lowlands south and north of the Southern Uplands Fault, it is
important not to lose sight of other, bigger pictures. One of these
bigger pictures is the tendency to focus on the ‘big’
divide between Highland and Lowland Scotland. This tendency can lead
to the belief that there are two Scotlands, a rural and traditional
north and an urban and industrialised south. This popular perception
influences politicians and policy makers and leads to an overlooking
or neglect of the rural south (Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish
a deeper level of understanding and interpretation of history, the
nineteenth century divergence between Galloway and Dumfriesshire and
Lanarkshire and Ayrshire could be an example of the difference
between what Anthony Wrigley calls ‘organic’
and ‘mineral’
economies. According to Wrigley, organic economies are based on
renewable and sustainable sources of energy- water and wind power,
human and animal labour. Mineral economies substitute coal and oil
for renewable and sustainable energy sources. This substitution
allowed Britain to become the first region in the world to break
free from the limits to growth which all previous organic economies
had been subject to. Significantly, eighteenth century and early
nineteenth century political economists based their theories on
organic economy models, predicting that economic growth would reach
its limits in a ‘stationary state’
of minimal or zero growth.
the development of Dumfries and Galloway, lacking extensive sources
of coal, became ‘stationary’
after 1851, the mineral economies of Ayrshire and Lanarkshire
continued to grow. The social cost of that growth are obvious, but
the ecological costs are only now becoming apparent as the
consequences of climate change begin to bite. Although the science of
climate change is solid, the need to ‘de-mineralise’
the global economy and actively work towards a stationary state is
being resisted. One of questions this book will explore is if the
rural south of Scotland is an example of a stationary state and a
low-growth future. But if rural south provides an image of the
future, where will that leave communities in the urban north which
have been blighted by the industrial clearances of the 1980s and
1990s? If there is a duty and necessity to tackle the environmental
costs of the mineral economy, the social costs must also be met. But
Chapter Two -Setting the Scene
chapter will sketch out the influence of geology and geography on the
history of the region up to the eighteenth century. In the
pre-industrial period, settlement in the region was influenced by the
presence or absence of good quality soils, by communication routes
along river valleys and by sea. The settlement patterns and relative
wealth of the settlements influenced the pre-modern history of the
region, from the Roman period through to the medieval/ feudal era. At
the beginning of the twelfth century, the whole region was part of a
Gaelic speaking area which historians call ‘Greater Galloway’ and
which was not part of Scotland, but as the Bruce, Stewart and
Douglas families were granted lands in Dumfriesshire, Renfrewshire
and Ayrshire, the Gaelic speaking area contracted to modern Galloway,
controlled by the Balliol family and Carrick, controlled by the Bruce
family. The struggle for power between these families influenced the
wars of Scottish Independence and continued until the Stewarts
triumphed over the Douglasses in 1455. The end of Gaelic in Galloway
and Carrick was an unintended consequence of this power struggle.
Three- Towards Enlightenment
Scottish Reformation became strongly established in he region and
its influence shaped the political and religious struggles of the
seventeenth century. The Covenanters or ‘Westland Whigs’
resisted Charles I, Charles II and James VII from 1638 to 1688. From
1689 to 1746, the region was strongly anti-Jacobite, particularly in
1715 when opponents of Union of 1707 chose to support George I and
the Union rather than see a Jacobite restoration. Since Jacobite
propaganda exploited the economic failure of the Union, The
‘Honourable Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture’
(founded in 1723) were instrumental in establishing the Board of
Trustees for Improvement of Manufactories and Fisheries’ in 1727 as
well as promoting agricultural improvements. By developing the linen
industry, the Board of Trustees laid the foundations for later
industrial development in Scotland. At the same time, through local
connections, members of the Society of Improvers experienced the
impact of the Galloway Levellers uprising in 1724. This experienced
influenced the later process of agricultural improvement in Lowland
Scotland so it was more gradual than the Highland Clearances. Great
care was taken to ensure that those disposed from the land were
offered new accommodation and industrial employment in planned towns
and villages across the region. In Dumfries and Galloway alone, 81
new towns and villages were built between 1760 and 1830.
Chapter Four- The Age of Improvement
dramatic philosophical and intellectual advances made by the
Scottish Enlightenment were matched on the ground by the physical
and economic transformation of the Scottish landscape. Adam Smith was
tutor to the 3rd duke of Buccleuch and Smith influenced
the duke’s approach to improving his estates in Dumfriesshire and
the Borders. In Galloway Lord Kames directed the improvement of one
estate and inspired and influenced the improvement of Richard
Oswald’s estates in Ayrshire and Galloway. James Steuart, who
published a book on political economy nine years before Adam Smith’s
‘Wealth of Nations’ improved his estate of Coltness in
Lanarkshire. Steuart’s son continued to improve Coltness which was
admired by English radical William Cobbett in 1832 for its fine crops
and excellent herd of dairy cattle. Four years later Coltness was
sold to the Houldsworth family who built an iron works there and
extracted ironstone and coal from beneath its fertile fields. The
significant point to be brought out in this chapter is that the
process of agricultural improvement was carried through with equal
vigour and success across the whole region.. It will also be noted
that neither the political economists of the Scottish Enlightenment
nor the improving landowners recognised that iron and coal rather
than linen and agriculture would shape Scotland’s future.
Chapter Five -Building Tomorrow’s Bridges Today
chapter will cover the development of the turnpike road system,
canals, waggonways and harbours which were part of the process of
enlightened improvement. Significantly, although a short section of
canal was built in Galloway as early as 1765, further developments
which would have linked the coal mines of Dalmellington with
Kirkcudbright were never built. Other plans for canals in
Dumfriesshire and an ‘iron rail-road’ linking the Sanquhar coal
field with Dumfries also failed to materialise. While the network of
turnpike roads speed up communications, they were not so useful for
the bulk transport of coal. Canals and waggonways (horse-drawn
railways) were need to shift coal. The existence of these canals and
waggonways was an essential foundation for the rise of the iron
industry in Lanarkshire and Ayrshire.
Chapter Six-King Cotton
the industrial revolution has only an indirect impact on Galloway and
Dumfriesshire, the region had a significant influence on the
industrialisation of north-west England. As first Whitehaven in the
later seventeenth century then Liverpool in the eighteenth century
developed as ports, trading links were built up with the small ports
along the northern shore of the Solway Firth. The economic
opportunities offered by Liverpool attracted merchants from the south
of Scotland - the Dunbars, Ewarts, Gladstones and Maxwells- who
became well established there. The growth of the textile industry in
Lancashire attracted other economic migrants, including William
Cannan (or Cannon) from the Glenkens in Galloway. Cannan was a
carpenter who moved first to Whithaven then Liverpool and finally
Chowbent near Bolton where he specialised in making textile
machinery. In the 1780s, Cannan recruited apprentices from Galloway
who were then able to use their skills in the rapidly developing
Manchester cotton industry. Peter Wrat, who’s brother William was a
leading Liverpool merchant and partner of John Gladstone (father of
William Ewart Gladstone) was Bolton and Watt’s representative and
Manchester and the ‘Galloway’ firms of Kennedy and McConnell and
A and G Murray pioneered the successful application of steam power to
cotton spinning. John Kennedy, the Ewart brothers and the Maxwell
brothers were members of the first Liverpool and Manchester railway
committee and John Kennedy acted as a judge at the Rainhill
locomotive trials in 1829. Two of William Ewart’s sons became
members of Parliament and Joseph Ewart MP along with Liverpool
merchant Welwood Maxwell was a member of the ‘Liverpool Party’
which pushed the expansion of the rail network forward through their
investments in early railways. Galloway born John Ramsay McCulloch
was described by Friedrich Engels’ as ‘the English bourgeois’
favourite political economists’ and was a key member of the
Political Economy Club which influenced political support for free
Chapter Seven - The Iron Age Begins
from charcoal fired iron furnaces built in the Highlands and the
Carron iron works established in 1759, the low carbon content of
Scottish coal and lack of local demand for iron held back growth of
the Scottish iron industry until 1828. In that year James Beaumont
Neilson, manager of the Glasgow Gas Works patented his discovery that
heating the air blown into iron furnaces dramatically improved their
efficiency and allowed raw Scottish coal to be used instead of coke.
However the conservatism of existing iron masters, who believed that
cold air produced better quality iron, gave the Baird family, who
were new entrants to the industry, an advantage. The Bairds had been
tenant farmers in Old Monklands parish in Lanarkshire until Alexander
Baird took the lease of a coal pit on Airdrie estate in 1816 which
his son William ( the eldest of Alexander’s six sons) was sent to
manage. The coal pit was close to the Monklands canal which made it
easy to transport the coal to Glasgow. The Bairds then took out
leases on other coal pits while continuing to farm. The seasonal
demand for domestic coal led the Bairds to look for an outlet for
their surplus stocks and so they began building an iron furnace at
Gartsherrie in 1828 which began production using Neilson’s hot
blast in 1830. The pig iron produced was much cheaper than
traditionally produced iron and so the Scottish pig iron industry
grew very rapidly but with most of the iron produced exported. The
background to the Bairds rivals will also be explored, inclduignthe
Houldsworths who provide a connection between the Manchester and
Glasgow cotton industries, the iron industry and (via marriages) two
of the Galloway cotton families. The Houldsworths bought Coltness
estate from James Steaurt’s son to get its coal and ironstone and
build their iron rrcated agricultural products from Galloway
and Dumfriesshire were exported
Chapter Eight - The Impact of the Iron Industry
the rapid growth of the iron industry required the equally rapid
growth of coal and ironstone mining. Coal mining had been a
relatively small scale craft industry but the insatiable demands of
the new iron furnaces required a dramatic transformation. Thousands
of new workers had to be recruited (many from Ireland) and housed,
deeper pits had to be dug and linked to the iron works by a network
of railways. Competition for ironstone in Lanarkshire saw the Bairds
and Houldsworths extend their activities into Ayrshire in the 1840s,
then in the 1850s came competition from the more modern and
efficient Cleveland iron industry. The industry also had to adapt to
changes in demand as wrought iron and then steel were needed for the
expanding shipbuilding and railway construction (bridges and rails)
industries. Through the nineteenth century periods of growth were
followed by slumps in trade to which the iron masters responded by
cutting wages. This led to periods of violent industrial unrest
which sometimes required troops to suppress. These struggles left a
deep impact on the history of Scottish trade unions, especially the
miners’ unions and to deep rooted support for the Labour party. A
further factor with long term influence was that by the 1870s it was
becoming clear that Scottish reserves of ironstone were becoming
exhausted. While iron ore from Cumberland and, more importantly,
Spain was used to make up the decline in Scottish ironstone, this
made the location of the iron furnaces less economically viable.
However the cost of relocating the iron industry to coastal locations
more suited to the import of iron ore was a deterrent. It can be
argued that the seeds of the twentieth century problems and ultimate
decline of the Scottish iron industry were already present by the end
of the nineteenth century.
Chapter Nine- A Stationary State
contrast to the drama of developments north of the Southern Uplands
Fault, the biggest change to the economy of Galloway and
Dumfriesshire in the nineteenth century was the shift to dairy
farming in the lowlands and the consolidation of sheep farming in
the uplands. The shift to dairy farming was stimulated by the
westward expansion of the railway network which reached Dumfries in
1850, Castle Douglas by 1859 and Stranraer by 1861. Stranraer was
then linked to Glasgow by rail in 1877. Across the region, farms
which had been arable farms since for over 600 years were converted
to dairy farms. The coastal shipping links with north-west England
declined and communications with central Scotland became easier. For
the wealthier, the railways opened up the countryside for hunting,
shooting and fishing through the purchase of small estates. Although
he had inherited Glenlair near Castle Douglas, James Clerk Maxwell
was one of these small estate owners and worked on his revolutionary
theories of physics while living there between periods at
universities in Cambridge, Aberdeen and London. There were steam
powered woollen mills in Langholm and Dumfries, but along with
scattered areas of granite quarrying, lead, copper and coal mining
nineteenth century Galloway and Dumfriesshire was overwhelmingly
rural. The rural character of the region is reflected in the
paintings of the ‘Glasgow’ artists who visited or settled in
Kirkcudbright in the 1890s.
Chapter Ten- The Twentieth Century : North
twentieth century saw the rapid demise of the Scottish pig iron
industry. Its rapid growth had been based on the ability to use local
ironstone and coal to produce cheap pig iron. The exhaustion of
ironstone reserves was just one of several factors which brought
about its decline. The pig iron producers had failed to integrate
their plants with the production of wrought iron. When wrought iron
gave way to steel after 1879, the high phosphor content of Scottish
ironstone made it unsuitable for steel production. While there was a
strong demand for steel from the Scottish shipbuilding industry, the
development of the Scottish steel industry was led by producers of
wrought iron and relied on a combination of imported iron ore and
recycled scrap iron. More generally, the Scottish coal and heavy
engineering industries developed in the nineteenth century relied on
export markets built up through a combination of pioneering
technological advantage and the expansion of the British Empire. As
other regions of the UK and other countries (including former
colonies) caught up with Scotland, the problems first faced by the
pig iron industry were repeated across a whole range of once
successful industries. Attempts to cut labour costs led to recurring
strikes and industrial unrest. The problem of industrial decline
persuaded the Labour party that action at UK state level was needed
and the belief that Scottish Home Rule was a distraction from
Scotland’s underlying economic problems. However, nationalisation
and a range of state -led economic initiatives were unable to
overcome the structural weaknesses of the Scottish economy. In the
1950s both the National Coal Board and British Railways invested
heavily in modernisation projects which failed to recognise ‘modern’
developments- the decline in demand for coal and the shift towards
road transport. By the 1960s, the wave of ‘industrial clearances’
which culminated in the 1980s and early 90s had already begun as the
rail network was drastically pruned and coal mines were closed.
Chapter Eleven- The Twentieth Century: South
decline in Galloway and Dumfriesshire’s population which began in
1851 continued through most of the twentieth century. Dumfries,
where woollen mills had been established in the 1860s, gained
population and gained new industries- motor manufacturing briefly,
then rubber and plastics - in the twentieth century. For the duration
of the First World war, a huge munitions manufacturing site was
developed between Gretna and Annan. During the Second World War
munitions factories were again developed, but dispersed across the
region. The region’s second largest town was Stranraer which grew
as a ferry port. The coal mines at Cannonbie closed in the 1920s and
those around Sanqhar in the 1960s. Lead production at Wanlockhead
increased during the First World War but then failed after the war.
The Galloway Hydro Electric project was built between 1930 and 1936
in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright but provided little economic
benefit to the district. The 1930s also saw a brief flirtation with
fascism when the British Union of fascists had 400 members in
Galloway and 150 in Dumfriesshire- out of 1000 members in the whole
of Scotland. While the creation of the Milk Marketing Board in 1933
sustained dairy farming across the region, after the Second World
War, forestry replaced sheep farming in the Galloway uplands. Under
the Dr. Beeching’s plan in 1963, the railway lines from Dumfries
and Ayr to Stranraer were to be closed, but pressure from Northern
Ireland kept the Ayr-Stranraer line open, but the Dumfries-Stranraer
line along with the branches to Whithorn and Kirkcudbright closed in
1965. By the end often century, apart from the rubber and plastic
factories in Dumfries, the regional economy was based on farming,
food-processing, forestry and tourism. Although the regional
population had almost returned to 1851 levels, the attraction of the
region as a place to retire to combined with the loss of younger
people was a cause for concern.
Chapter Twelve -Entering the Twenty-first century.
aim of this chapter will be to reflect on the diverging histories
of the north and south of the western Lowlands and wonder if we can
learn anything from the histories. Although the pace of change
speeded up in the late eighteenth century, the region in 1450 was
very different from the region of 1150. Gaelic, which had been the
main language in 1150 was virtually extinct by 1450 and what had been
‘Greater Galloway’ was now firmly part of Scotland and Scots was
the language of the people.. Over the next 300 years, the feudal
structures introduced by David I through grants of land to soldiers
and monks disappeared completely. The power of landowners was
measured by the rents they could charge not by the number of troops
they could muster. The Church had been reformed and lost its lands.
By 2050, what features of the recent past will remain and how will
climate change be affecting the region?
related question concerns our ability to plan and manage change. The
Scottish Enlightenment was part of the ‘Age of Reason’ when the
existing practices of farmers and manufacturers were improved by the
application of rationality to traditional knowledge. While the
improvement of agriculture followed an expected or predictable
trajectory, steadily increasing crop yields and the quality of
livestock, the improvement of manufacturing, led to an unexpected
industrial revolution. Significantly, this revolution offered the
prospect of much larger and more ‘instant’ profits than those
offered by agriculture. This led to the triumph of ‘short-term
rationality’ over the long view of gradual improvement. The rise
and fall of the Scottish iron industry is a large scale example of
this problem. On the smaller scale, the obsession of the Portpatrick
Railway with creating the shortest route through Galloway at the
expense of the company’s longer term profitability is another. In
the twentieth century, the ultimate failure of the Ravenscraig steel
works in 1992 was already anticipated by the failure to adopt the
recommendations of the 1929 Brassert report which recommended
constructing a new, fully integrated, steelworks on the Clyde near
the Erskine ferry.
problem of short term economic rationality is our inheritance from
the industrial revolution. This conflicts with the immediately
preceding rationality of the Scottish Enlightenment and its long term
rationality rooted in the concept of ‘improvement’. However, a
deeper conflict, one which is only now becoming apparent, is the
conflict or tension between economy and ecology. Both words share a
Greek root ‘oikos’ meaning house, household, family. In ecology,
the household or family is the natural or living world and ecology is
the study of the ‘household of nature or the economy of living
organisms’. Economy involves the management of one of these
households, the human one. Since the 1650s when the term ‘political
economy’ was first used, the basic unit of economics has been the
national economy. The implications of climate change now mean that
ecology and economy are converging. The whole planet is now our
household and its management is now our responsibility.
iron and most of the coal are gone, but there is still oil beneath
the North Sea. The oil is being exploited just as rapidly as the iron
and coal were, even though science and history tell us it should be
it inevitable that Lanarkshire and Ayrshire’s ironstone reserves
would be exploited? Not necessarily. Neilson‘s hot-blast was an
accidental discovery and was resisted by most of the existing iron
companies. The existing Scottish iron industry was producing enough
pig iron to meet the then limited local demand for iron. Although
Scottish iron was expensive and of low quality, it was protected from
Welsh and English competition by poor transport links. So if there
had been a delay in the take up of Neilson’s discovery until
Scotland was linked by rail to England and Wales, cheaper English and
Welsh iron would have put the Scottish iron works out of business.
Without a dynamic Scottish iron industry, the development of iron and
then steel shipbuilding on the Clyde would have been more difficult.
At the same time, without the need to supply huge quantities of coal
to the iron works, the need to rapidly modernise and expand the
Scottish coal industry would have been absent. Finally, without a
dynamic Victorian iron and coal industry, the growth of population in
the western Lowlands would have been much less. Lanarkshire and
Ayrshire today would be more like Galloway and Dumfriesshire and
Scotland would be a very different country.
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